Sudarshan (Sudz) Srinivasan | Photographer

Mrs. Lindsey leaves MC

Sudarshan (Sudz) Srinivasan | Photographer

As the year has come to a close, Mrs. Lindsey, MC’s U-Z counselor has announced that she is not returning. She is going to be a full time stay at home mom.

“I am leaving because, I have decided to be a stay at home mom for at least a couple years,” Lindsey said. “I have a four year old son and a two and a half year old daughter and you just get to a point where the daily chaos of trying to get them out of the house and to daycare and preschool, it just kind of becomes too much. We are trying to kind of simplify our lives.”

Lindsey has enjoyed her time here at MC.

“I think what I really love about MC is just the culture and the vibe,” Lindsey said. “I love how diverse our community is. I love how the students are all just good kids. It is a really cool culture and so I have just really enjoyed working with the kids. I learn a lot, especially because I work with all the English language learners and all the AVID kids. It was really cool to learn about where people come from and what their situations are.”

Despite the best intentions for her family, MC is still a hard place for her to leave.

“I think partly my coworkers, especially in the sun center, because they are my really, really good friends,” Lindsey said. “We have a bond, and I know that the nice thing is that it will last forever so it’s not that I’m going to leave here and never have contact with them again. I am definitely going to miss my contact with high school kids. I love high school kids and now I’m going to be hanging out with a two and four year old all the time. I am going to miss that conversation piece with high school students and talking about their dreams and goals and aspirations. That’s going to be very hard not to have.”

The MC staff and students are wishing her good luck with her future and she will be remembered by the Sundevil staff and students here.

Written by Tatum Tricarico

Tatum Tricarico is a staff member on the MC Sun and is the unofficial video editor assistant. She is having trouble writing this bio because her awesomeness is so overwhelming and could not possibly fit in such a small space!

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