
Pro: Defending the Integrity of Private Instagrams

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Private Instagrams often fall under malicious criticism for their exclusive nature and thus, their ability to safeguard shade, call-out posts, and vague posts. While it is true that some users take advantage of their private accounts in a rude way, these do not represent the original intention of private accounts.

With a smaller pool of more comfortable followers, users are given the freedom to post at their own whim.  Without the pressure to find a picture that you look no less than amazing in and a clever caption that is “main-worthy,” private Instagrams offer a fun, rule-free environment reminiscent of middle school, when it was socially acceptable to post three times in one day. This no-pressure environment gives way for the most hilarious posts—professions of love for the whip, strangely amusing Photoshop jobs, and most importantly, memes.

I just want to be able to post some memes of questionable quality without being judged by some girl I’ve met one time in my life, or my mom’s friend who is ‘tech savvy.’ Privates are guarded by a follow request, but this isn’t because of the deep dark secrets within. Privates are intended to be a safe space to use social media however you wish without outside judgement from those who barely know you. It allows you to goof off with close friends, post your hilariously ugly selfie, and occasionally go on a social media rant, which I can attest to being very cathartic. Private Instagrams offer a more personal and real way to have your feelings about anything and everything heard without throwing them out in the open.

Let’s face it—‘real Instagrams’ are fake: ‘Candid’ shots, strategically planned poses, witty captions that only took eight years of your life to come up with. A good aesthetically pleasing picture is always appreciated, along with the effort that it takes to craft them, but private Instagrams take the cake as the revival of crazy quirky in mainstream social media.

Written by Tiffany Luu

Tiffany is a senior staff writer and the MC SUN's Photo Editor. In the spring, she can be found on the diving board, diving varsity for Mt. Carmel, where she was graciously named "Most Likely to Have No Idea What's Going On." Her favorite hobby is collecting stickers, which she has allowed to overpopulate most of her belongings. Additionally, Tiffany enjoys snowboarding, art history, and Grey's Anatomy.

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